I was walking around the grocery store the other day, looking for a product that I don't usually purchase and I was amazed of all the options I had in front of me on the shelves. Labels and packaging silently saying "Pick ME, Buy ME" and I was not sure of which would be "the one". All of them seemed to be good, but I needed the best, the one speaking to me and to my needs. Finally I got the product that I liked most to Try It. I made my decision based on the package, I must confess, since I had no recommendations or references from anyone.
As I was driving home, I compared my experience to what my potential clients experiment when looking for a design studio to create their logo or marketing materials and to what THEIR potential customers will look for when choosing a product or service from a "universe of choices".
Silent sellers work on your behalf showing the customer what to expect. It can be a logo or your marketing materials, your packaging, your website or any other media that you have for attracting new customers. Silent sellers will start the sale process before the customer gets in touch with you.
Your products, services and reputation are important too, but First Impressions Count, like love at first sight. If the customer has no reference about your business, he/she could make a decision based on your visual identity (first). That's why it is important to combine all your marketing strategies with a professional design.
These are some of the factors that influenced my purchase:
A clean and professional design.
Breathing space, not too crowded and good distribution of the graphic elements and text.
Color and typography.
General look and feel.
Then I started to read the small type, but after I decided by first sight.
Of course, these factors are not the most important to consider when choosing a brand, but they help to create and emotional connection with potential customers "at first sight".
You work hard on your business to create quality products or services. Hire a good designer who understands your needs and your market. Your visual identity will speak by itself, as a silent seller and your customers will love your business at first sight.